New Talko firmware : VCO mode can play semi-tones

25/02/2017 By Jean-Luc Off

The rev 2 of Talko’s firmware can now play notes over 2 octaves.

It may seem obvious to have a 1V/octave CV to note in a VCO mode but this was quite challenging to achieve.  (I may explain the process in another post as it  could be also applied for  another of my speech synths)


Quite easy:  just feed a pitch signal into the Pitch entry. Tune the synth up and down with the Bend pot and trigger the note with the Gate.
Set it to Bank 16 and play with the Sound pot to choose among the 26 vowels sounds.

(*) Please note that the Microbrute’s gate out can’t trigger Talko directly (it’s a Microbrute know impedance issue): use a gate buffer in between.


The VCO sound very much like an organ and it’s quite fun to pass the audio through a guitar pedal like the Zoom 505:

The Microbrute can also send notes via its sequencer: this allows instant fun for the poor keyboard player like me!

#talko in VCO mode with the #arturia #microbrute as sequencer

Une publication partagée par Jean-Luc Deladrière (@polaxis) le


The code is available here:  Talko 1.2 rev2
Right click to save it as a .hex file and use Easy uploader to install it into Talko.

User Manual

The manual has been updated to reflect  this revision :